Friday, July 15, 2005

Paw to paw with the king of beasts

Wrigley Field totally lived up to expectations. It's pretty impressive when you can draw 39,000 people to a Thursday afternoon game especially when it's only against the Pirates who by any definition suck. One of the coolest things about Wrigley is that because it is so old the stands don't enclose the whole field only really following the first and third base lines out and so all of the buildings on the lucky sides now sport mini bleacher stands of their own. Most would hold 100-150 people I reckon, pretty nice perk to living there.

Chicago is definitely one of the cleanest cities so far and seems to be environmentally aware also which is rare for the East Coast. There is even a recycling program which as far as I have been able to discern is unherad of east of the Mississippi.

Also in the positives column is the Lincoln Park Zoo. I wasn't expecting too much with it being free maybe a glorified petting zoo for inner city kids to see sheep or something but it wasn't that at all but a very extensive collection and an attempt was being made to house the animals in native like enclosures whcih the Bronx Zoo surprised me at its lack of. Auckland Zoo and Orana Park are really right up there in terms of zoos.

An incredible moment came when I walked past the lions and around from the screaming children to where there was a side viewing window. Here, hidden from the horror, was a lioness streched out against the glass and it was quite a buzz to hold my hand up against her paw. Another highlight was seeing a bald eagle that was recovering from an injury sustained in the wild, and a couple of polar bears.

You truly have to despair at the American public, the place was filled with kids on day trips from their summer camps and the only way I can describe their attitude is that the performing monkey days are missed - "make it move daddy." It freaked me to see otherwise respectable men beating their chests and grunting in an attempt to make the gorilla copy them. They were only getting two disdainfull looks though, one from me and thankfully one from the gorilla who, when it was a little quieter, did perform a little.

Seeing all of the different animals got me very excited about Peru and especially the Amazon section of that trip. It's not too far away either.x


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