Monday, June 13, 2005

Winners Champagne

It's kind of unbelievable that it has taken six days to find an internet connection that didn't require the same sort of payments as a small African nation might make to the IMF in interest to merely check my messages and fire off a short report.

What I thought I might do was ressurrect the old blog that was so popular for about a week last year and just make posts on there for you all to check at your leisure. So set your homepages to - go on it'll be fun. And you can post comments and stuff - woosah!!!

First things first for those of you who got up early on Monday morning to watch the race - how'd I look on TV ;) Actually I think the stand I was in got shown about 5 times in the whole broadcast. Everyone always said that going to a GP will totally change your mind about the sport, in that it will totally blow your mind and all I can say in response is "too right!" Half the time you're marvelling at the beautiful machines and the other half you're trying to keep track of all 20 cars in your head. Until they hit meltdown point the Renault's looked so good, a cut above everyone else except maybe Montoya when he was pushing hard and not stuffing up pit exits. Alonso also took the prize for the most hot girls wearing his gear, again Montoya a close second esp. as I was sat right in between a big Colombian crowd. But the real excitement of the weekend came after running down the track afterwards. That back straight is long so missed the presentations and stuff but as I was going down the pit wall taking photos of the garages, ron dennis etc I got into the throng in front of the Ferrari pit. The guys in front of me suddenly started yelling and waving and one of the red clad mechanics came over, he had with him the bottle of champagne that Schumacher dropped down from the rostrum and all I will say is that it is very nice champers and a shame that so much of it gets wasted spraying it around everywhere.

I'm in Toronto now after taking the overnight train down from Montreal and it's quite refreshing not to be in humidity over 50%. On Saturday it was 38 celcius and 57% humidity which meant that I was basically in a full body sweat the whole day - attractive I know. Doesn't lend itself to touristing much so it was a good thing I had the GP for distraction.

Los Angeles actually wasn't too bad. I'd managed to sleep most of the way over and then got the last bed at a really cool hostel (USA Hostels if anyone's headed that way) just off Hollywood Bvd. On the counter as I was checking in I noticed a flyer advertising a free movie and when I turned up it was a pre-release screening thing, had to fill out a questionaire at teh end and stuff which isn't a huge price to pay for a free movie. As part of screening who would get in you had to say how many films off a list of 10 you had seen to which I replied 'Eight,' which was a good omen for actually enjoying it. All of you who are into other realm beings living among us type thrillers with mega cool action scenes go see Night Watch when it comes out. Oh and it's Russian for a bit more indie cred.

Better wrap this up, but just before I go I'd like to give a big kodak theatre Oscar thank you to Luke for the tent, it's perfect.


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